Star of Hope Foundation

Social-Psychological Support Center ‘’HOUSE OF HOPE’’

1. Goal – to provide psychological support, social integration and reintegration for people seeking life and personal meaning; coping with traumatic life events; families with children with disabilities and families in need of social and psychological counseling and support.

2. Psychological support – individual and group psychotherapy – logotherapy, art therapy and psychological counseling, provided by professional and licensed psychologists and psychotherapists, various psychological sessions and therapies will be offered to improve the psychological and personal well-being of our clients.

3. Consultation options – Both individual and group consultation options and will be available, implemented according to a previously described methodology, therapy or psychological technique.

4. Prices:
– 1 hour adults – BGN 60
– 1 hour for children – BGN 50
– 1 hour adults and children – BGN 40

5. Social support – consultations and developing integration and communication skills in society; in deficits and social neglect. Mainly for people in need who are in a socially and intellectually disadvantaged positions or who have experienced institutional care and lack of family environment.

6. Basic occupational therapy methods – In building social skills and coping habits, occupational therapy serves as a key therapeutic approach for addressing social deficits and deficiencies, as well as for fostering work habits in individuals with social neglect and deficiencies.

7. Center location – The Center for Social-Psychological Support “HOPE” is located within the HOUSE OF HOPE and is part of the activities of the “Star of Hope” Foundation.

8. Specialistc – The specialists conducting the sessions are licensed and certified specialists with the relevant degrees and certificates.

9. Booking – The sessions require advance booking, please call: +359 897 868 035 to schedule.

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